Loan periods are 4 weeks maximum. Items can be returned via one of your Firstchance Team members, or directly to Firstchance Reception, at any time during this period. Extensions on your loan period can be discussed with and organised via your Firstchance team. Extensions on loans may not be possible if the item has a reservation against it by another member.
You can hire up to 4 resources at a time.
Yes - however some items will require specific professional consultation (e.g. Occupational Therapist; Physiotherapist; Speech Therapist) to ensure that is safe and appropriate for your child.
Yes. We would suggest however that you speak with your Firstchance team members about your interest in a certain item and to discuss if it is suitable and safe for your child before loaning.
Items can be returned via one of your Firstchance Team members, or directly to Firstchance reception (between the hours of 9am-4pm). We ask that you please clean toys before their return. Please refer to our Cleaning Guidelines document for details.
If you lose a piece and you are not able to find the piece, please advise one of your Firstchance Team members. You will subsequently be contacted to discuss negotiations from there.
Please notify one of your Firstchance team as soon as possible once issue occurs. The issue will then be discussed with management and you will subsequently be contacted to discuss negotatiations further. You may be responsible (within reason) for costs towards the repair or replacement of damaged or lost items.